To help you pray and think through your level of support, you might consider one of these four levels: Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Open.
Gold: $5,000 We are looking for a few people / families who would see themselves as significant partners in this work. These gifts could be given in 52 weekly gifts, 12 monthly gifts, or as single gift.
Silver: $500 We are looking for several people to contribute at this level. As co-laborers at this level you are clearly committed to helping us see this endeavor be all that our Lord would have it to be.
Bronze: $50 It is our hope and prayer that a great number of people would see the way possible to contribute at this level.
Open: $$$$ Every gift, no matter how small or how large, will be used for the spread of God’s truth locally, nationally, and even internationally as He leads. This level of support is for those who desire to be a part of what our Lord desires to do through us at a level different than those mentioned above.
Until such time as our 501c3 status is confirmed, we would ask that you see any gift you give as a gift to a friend. Those of you who know us well, know that we are absolutely committed to biblical stewardship and unquestionable integrity. We assure you these funds will be used properly. As our Lord expands this ministry, we thank you in advance for any support you are able to contribute.
Feel free to send these to:
Tom Savage
6346 Ivy Trails Dr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654