Prayerwalking (Week 6: Day 5)

Prayerwalking to the End of the Age

Read Matthew 28:18-20. There we find the work continues. As we press on remember two things. (1) There are many people praying and working as we head toward the end of the age. (2) There are many more to reach. Also, there is a dual perspective we are to maintain. That is, (1) living for today, and (2) living with the end of age in view.

Notice what Jesus said almost 2,000 years ago in Mark 1:15. He said, the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Matthew 6:10, Jesus taught the disciples (and us) to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

The kingdom of God speaks of the rule and reign of Christ. The question is, has the kingdom come, or is it still on the way? The answer is yes! It is present and it is yet to be fully realized.

As you continue to walk with God and continue to prayerwalk, realize there are many who have been saved and there are many to be saved. Keep walking. God saves people one at a time. As we continue to pray we will see those who resist the gospel today changing before our very eyes. Reflect on what it was like for you before you were saved and how much different you are today.

Matthew 24:14 is a most compelling verse. Read it. When you are experiencing response to your prayers and when you do not, keep reminding yourself of the words of our Lord in this verse. Keep praying for peoples (nations) who need to be saved. Realize you and I have a part in seeing the rule and reign of Christ extended and realized so the end can come.

Throughout Today

  • Praise Him for your salvation
  • Pick out a person and pray for them several times today
  • Remember, God saves people one at a time just like He saved you