Use the study guide from the previous section
Program note: Due to a technical difficulty the original recording cut out at Rev 11:11. The section of Rev 11:11-19 was added so that you might have the full study.
Use the study guide from the previous section
Program note: Due to a technical difficulty the original recording cut out at Rev 11:11. The section of Rev 11:11-19 was added so that you might have the full study.
Good Morning! Tomorrow, Tuesday morning July 21, I will make my next visit to the Olive Branch Public Library. At 9:30 a.m. I will speak on God’s Design for Marriage. In light of the recent ruling, it is time to reexamine what the Word says about God’s design for the marriage relationship.
As a bonus, if you attend this workshop, I will make a recording of the presentation available to you free of charge. This recording will be ready several days after the event. I will make this available to you in the hope, when you need it, you will be able to pass it on to someone (family member or friend) who may be considering marriage soon.
The recording could also be used as a discussion starter for a small group desiring to discuss God’s Design for Marriage. Here is a more complete description of the time and place for the event:
Please take note, the entrance for this event is NOT the regular library entrance. The entrance to the Main Meeting Room is the other set of glass doors to the left of the regular library entrance. You can access this from the main parking lot. The doors will be open at 9:15. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Have a great day!
Use the study guide from the previous study
I believe God never gives up on individuals in our day of grace, but nations may be on a path of destruction as a consequence of disobedience to God. I would like to embrace America on the brink of a spiritual awakening, but the signs of socialism and the historical downfall of nations are currently very evident.
Other great nations have fallen as they make decisions on sanctity of home and life, higher taxes and redistribution of wealth among the citizenship, a “pleasure at any cost” attitude, the decay of individual responsibility and accountability and then a decline of religion. So, America appears to be on a dangerous path. Personally, I still have the hope eternal of a remnant since God always provides. I will pray and keep looking up. Angela
I don’t believe God has given up on America. I do believe that the “remnant” is going to be tested and still has the obligation to share the gospel. I hope there will be a reawakening of believers to stand firm and be involved in government affairs. I think the church has come to the point that more needs to be shared from the pulpit about the political atmosphere and how to fight it during and after the coming election. My personal obligation is to be more of a prayer warrior and more vocal about my convictions. Brenda
This is another set of comments from the survey “What is the Future for America. To take part in the survey click here. The deadline to to take part in the survey is July 15.
Use the study guide from the previous study