Tag Archives: Prayer

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 1)


Learning To Walk With God and Intercede for Others

This Thursday (August 11, 2016) those assembled at 5:00 p.m. will prayer walk a local elementary school. In preparation for that, I will present some prayerwalking thoughts Wednesday night (August 10th) at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. You are welcome to join us for that devotional time. More information about the actual prayer walk will be shared at that time.

Let’s take this opportunity to learn more about prayerwalking. If you would like to join others and me on this adventure (here in the Wabash Valley or in your personal context), join us as we learn together. Come back each day for the next several days for more insights. As a part of our time together, I will be sharing some of my own experiences of prayerwalking and will be drawing some insights from Follow Me: Lessons for Becoming a Prayerwalker.

There is a single verse that could be the umbrella verse as well as the foundational verse for these days together. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 5:8)

Another passage is Psalm 46:1-11 (key verse 10)

Read the following verses and complete the accompanying items.

Read Genesis 5:18-24  “Enoch ____ ____ ___.”

Read Genesis 6:5-10  “Noah ____ ____ ___.”

Read Genesis 3:8-9 What was the Lord God doing? He was _______ and He was _______ Adam.

Throughout Today: As you “walk through life”

  1. Stop and consider your opportunity to walk with God
  2. Thank God for His presence in your life
  3. Notice those around you who need this incredible blessing

Come back tonight as we close out our day. God Bless

Evening Reflection: As you close out your day

  1. What was it like to consciously walk with God today?
  2. How did you feel as you considered is His love for you?
  3. Was it hard to focus on Him? If so, why? Was it because of
    1. Busyness
    2. Stress
    3. Worry
    4. Awkwardness due to this new disciple?

Have a good night and I hope you return in the morning.

Write to me at tom@tomsavage.us if you would like to share some feedback.