Tag Archives: Alzheimer’s

Begin Alzheimer’s Prevention Today

The younger a person is when they begin to incorporate healthy, biblical, brain saturation, the greater the likelihood of delaying or totally avoiding onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life. The later a person begins the more urgent the need.

Benjamin Franklin is known to have said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The #1 goal of The DADS Project is prevention. Click one of the links below for information on bringing The Project to your location.

  • Pastor, staff, team or organizational leader? Click here


Alzheimer’s Disease in America As We Age

The Alzheimer’s Association reports that approximately 469,000 people had Alzheimer’s in 2014 and the number of new cases of Alzheimer’s disease increases with age. Here is what the reports seem to be telling us:

  • 59,000 new cases in people 65-74
  • 172,000 new cases in people 75-84
  • 238,000 new cases in people over the age of 85

As experts attempt to forecast the probabilities of future new cases of Alzheimer’s in America and breakdown those numbers by age and sex, here is what they say:

People who are 65
9.1% of men will have AD
17.2% of women will have AD 

People who are 75
10.2% of men will have AD
18.5% of women will have AD 

People who are 85
12.1% of men will have AD
20.3% of women will have AD

At first glace, these numbers do not look encouraging. The good news is, many people will not develop the disease. They must be doing something right or several things right. Another item to note, one reason why the percentage numbers are larger for women compared to men is because many women live longer than men.

May these estimates strengthen our resolve to pray for and seek God for wisdom. I urge you maintain a fresh and daily walk with our Lord and seriously consider putting prevention and reversal actions in place, as they are made available to you. Have a great day!

Some Alarming Stats Across Racial Lines

As we have stated previously, there are millions of people suffering and projected to suffer from the various forms of dementia. Approximately 500,000 people a year die from complications related to Alzheimer’s disease. There are more non-Hispanic whites living with Alzheimer’s and dementias than any other racial group.

However, a set of statistics I read the other day gives us great pause and concern especially for the Hispanic and African-American communities. The information gleaned tells us older African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely than older whites to have Alzheimer’s and the other forms of dementia.

Below, you can see a breakdown of the information. As alarming as this seems to be, the information is reported as factual. You can see how the percentages change in three separate racial groups as people age. Information on other racial groups will be reported as I am able to glean the data.

People between the ages of 65-74
2.9% of white people have AD
7.5% of Hispanic people have AD
9.1% of African-American people have AD

People between the ages of 75-84
10.9% of white people have AD
19.9% of African-American people have AD
27.9% of Hispanic people have AD

People ages 85+
30.2% of white people have AD
58.6% of African-American people have AD
62.9% of Hispanic people have AD 

It is my hope and prayer that we will be able to present The DADS Project to all people. Please do what you can to be an ambassador for The DADS Project as I seek to reach all peoples who are projected to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and the other forms of dementia. Thank You!

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The Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

The following stages of Alzheimer’s disease, developed by Barry Reisberg, M.D., was designed to help us know more about and help us share with others the development of the disease in their loved ones. It should be understood that symptoms vary from person to person. This a basic or general idea of how abilities change during the course of the disease. For more detailed information, feel free to call or send me an email.

The Seven Stages

1. No impairment: No memory problems; medical professionals detect no symptoms of dementia.

2. Very mild decline: The person feels they have memory lapses; other than familiar words, no other symptoms are detected.

3. Mild decline: Friends, family members, and medical professionals detect difficulties coming up with the right name or word, greater difficulty performing normal tasks, loss in comprehension, losing valuable objects.

4. Moderate decline: During a medical interview clear-cut symptoms are detectable including forgetfulness of recent events and impaired ability to do complex mental arithmetic. Slight personality changes detected.

5. Moderately severe decline: Gaps in memory are detectable and individuals need help to perform day-to-day activities. Some of the gaps include inability to remember one’s own address or the high school they attended. They are still able to remember significant details about themselves and the family. They require no assistance with eating or personal hygiene.

6. Severe decline: Memory continues to worsen, more personality changes are detectable, more help is needed with daily activities. Changes include loss of awareness of surroundings; remembers their own name but difficulty with personal history. Has difficulty with facial recognition of spouse or caregivers.

7. Very severe decline: Individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment, carry on a conversation, or control movements. The person needs help with daily personal care including eating and personal hygiene. They may lose the ability to smile or sit without support. Reflexes become abnormal. Muscles grow rigid. Swallowing is impaired.

I am praying for you and continuing my research as you pray for and care for your loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease and the various forms of dementia.

Most death trends are down. That’s great news.

One of the many blessings of medical research, good medical care, a healthy diet, and truth about how to take care of ourselves is longer life. My dad lived to be 88. My wife’s father lived to be 94 years old.

Many years ago I pastored a church in Johnson City, Tennessee. Just this past Sunday, Hilda Gutierrez, a member of that church celebrated her 100th birthday.

Many times these folks remain physically strong and mentally sharp. Some are not so fortunate. Here is more important information for our Facts & Stats:

There are six leading health-risk killers in the USA today: Those six leading causes are: breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, stroke, HIV, and Alzheimer’s disease. Due to all the research, medical care, and focus personally and professionally, when we look at death rates from these diseases between the years 2000 and 2010, even though there are still too many people dying from these factors, actually deaths from five out of these six are down.

  • Breast cancer, down 2%
  • Prostate cancer, down 8%
  • Heart disease, down 16%
  • Stroke, down 23%
  • HIV, down 42%
  • Alzheimer’s disease, increased 68%

We must keep seeking and praying for a cure, reversal, and prevention of this and other forms of dementia. More tomorrow

Alzheimer’s a major concern for women

Continuing with more data …

  • Nearly 50% of people who live beyond the age of 85 will suffer from Alzheimers disease.
  • While deaths from stroke, heart attack, and various forms of cancer seem to be declining, deaths from Alzheimer’s disease are increasing. There was a 47% increase in cases of Alzheimer’s between the years 2000 and 2006.
  • What is the greatest health fear amount women today? In most women it is breast cancer. However, women in their 60s and beyond are almost twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease during the rest of their lives as they are to developing breast cancer.

For these and many other reasons we need to keep praying and seeking the answer from our Lord as to how to reverse these trends. More tomorrow as we look at some good and not so good news from the years 2000 to 2010.

The Seriousness of the Issue

  • It has been carefully estimated 5.2 million people in the USA have Alzheimer’s disease; 30 million people worldwide.
  • It has been projected that unless a cure is found, 16 million people in the USA will develop Alzheimer’s by 2050; 100 million worldwide.
  • At this rate unless a cure is found, another person develops Alzheimer’s disease every 67 seconds.
  • 1 in 8 older Americans have Alzheimer’s.
  • More than 200,000 people under the age of 65 have early onset Alzheimer’s disease. As people live beyond the age of 65, their chance of having Alzheimer’s doubles every 5 years.