Alzheimer’s Disease

Three Keys

Applying a process of brain nourishment may not help your loved one (because, sadly, the disease is so advanced in them), but these three words may hold the key for you and your well-being. These three keys are a part of what makes this battle such an uphill climb. They are,

  • Patience,
  • Persistence, and
  • Consistency

Our humanness, our fast-paced lives, our instant culture, rebels against and even repels these three words. They are even “curse words” when used together. We just don’t like those three words. Yet, they hold the key and are the formula for applying the methods of attacking and preventing Alzheimer’s Disease. I hope you have a great and productive day. Let me know if I can help.

Three Groups of People Targeted for Alzheimer’s Project

Alzheimer’s Project: Three Target Groups of People

I invite you to participate in The DADS Project; a strategy with three primary goals: Prevention, Reversal, and Cure of Alzheimer’s disease. With this project, I am seeking to reach three specific groups of people.

  1. People with no memory issues

Many people are living well into their 80s and 90s with the number of people reaching 100+ growing every year. The question is: “What will be the condition of the mind in these years?” Do you desire your mind and brain to be alive, bright, and alert for the last 5, 10, 15 years of your life or be in a condition of not knowing your friends and loved ones. The #1 goal of The DADS Project is prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Even if you have no memory issues now, I encourage you to attend The DADS Project Workshop. Investing in the health of your brain now could pay rich dividends for years to come.

  1. People with some memory issues

Do any situations like these describe you?

  • You forget where you parked your car at the shopping center
  • You forget the name of a friend or familiar person
  • You forget how to complete what use to be a normal task

If these or similar memory issues describe you, you might be headed toward Alzheimer’s disease. The #2 goal of The DADS Project is reversal of the trend toward Alzheimer’s disease. My desire is to help freshen your mind and your brain and reverse what may be a trend for you.

  1. Caregivers of a victim of Alzheimer’s disease

Those who are already physically and mentally handicapped due to Alzheimer’s disease are not candidates for The DADS Projects. However, for those who are caregivers, you would want to know that the #3 goal of The DADS Project is to see a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. There are amazing things being done these days in the work to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. I will share some of this during the workshop. Quite possibly something learned in this workshop will help you help others.

I urge you to participate in a workshop when one is scheduled near you. The time you will invest in this workshop could be one of the most important things you could ever do to care for your mind and your brain. I hope to see you at a workshop soon. Below you will find links to two recordings. Click on the most appropriate one for you to learn more about the dynamics of the workshop.

Scheduled Workshops 

To host a workshop, click here

To know about participating in a workshop click here

Baby Boomers with Alzheimer’s

Today is our twelfth day of the Dementia & Alzheimer’s Facts and Stats. Future updates will be given periodically and in person during The DADS Project as opportunities present themselves.

As most of us know, the Baby Boom generation is a huge segment of the population. The first baby boomers turned 65 in 2011. If you have been following the updates you know that 65 seems to be a critical year for AD. After the age of 65 our chance of developing AD doubles every five years. Let’s look at the projections for 2030 & 2050 compared to the past numbers for 2000 & 2010.

Year      There were / or Projected to Be …
2000      411,000 new cases of AD
2010      454,000 new cases of AD
2030      615,000 new cases of AD
2050      959,000 new cases of AD

Another stat we have reported is by the time a person reaches 85, almost half of the people 85+ will have AD. In 2014, there were 2 million people in this age range with AD. When the first baby boomers reach that milestone (2031), the number of them with AD is projected to be more than 3 million. By 2050, that number is to swell to 7 million people.

Will you join me in prayer as we work to see prevention, reversal, and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and the various forms of dementia. Please try your best to participate in The DADS Project when one comes near you or lead the way in providing a venue for the 90 minute workshop. One of the blessings of medicine, technology, and nutritional health is longer lives. Let’s do what we can to actually enjoy and remember those extra years before we go to heaven.

Alzheimer’s Disease in America As We Age

The Alzheimer’s Association reports that approximately 469,000 people had Alzheimer’s in 2014 and the number of new cases of Alzheimer’s disease increases with age. Here is what the reports seem to be telling us:

  • 59,000 new cases in people 65-74
  • 172,000 new cases in people 75-84
  • 238,000 new cases in people over the age of 85

As experts attempt to forecast the probabilities of future new cases of Alzheimer’s in America and breakdown those numbers by age and sex, here is what they say:

People who are 65
9.1% of men will have AD
17.2% of women will have AD 

People who are 75
10.2% of men will have AD
18.5% of women will have AD 

People who are 85
12.1% of men will have AD
20.3% of women will have AD

At first glace, these numbers do not look encouraging. The good news is, many people will not develop the disease. They must be doing something right or several things right. Another item to note, one reason why the percentage numbers are larger for women compared to men is because many women live longer than men.

May these estimates strengthen our resolve to pray for and seek God for wisdom. I urge you maintain a fresh and daily walk with our Lord and seriously consider putting prevention and reversal actions in place, as they are made available to you. Have a great day!

Some Alarming Stats Across Racial Lines

As we have stated previously, there are millions of people suffering and projected to suffer from the various forms of dementia. Approximately 500,000 people a year die from complications related to Alzheimer’s disease. There are more non-Hispanic whites living with Alzheimer’s and dementias than any other racial group.

However, a set of statistics I read the other day gives us great pause and concern especially for the Hispanic and African-American communities. The information gleaned tells us older African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely than older whites to have Alzheimer’s and the other forms of dementia.

Below, you can see a breakdown of the information. As alarming as this seems to be, the information is reported as factual. You can see how the percentages change in three separate racial groups as people age. Information on other racial groups will be reported as I am able to glean the data.

People between the ages of 65-74
2.9% of white people have AD
7.5% of Hispanic people have AD
9.1% of African-American people have AD

People between the ages of 75-84
10.9% of white people have AD
19.9% of African-American people have AD
27.9% of Hispanic people have AD

People ages 85+
30.2% of white people have AD
58.6% of African-American people have AD
62.9% of Hispanic people have AD 

It is my hope and prayer that we will be able to present The DADS Project to all people. Please do what you can to be an ambassador for The DADS Project as I seek to reach all peoples who are projected to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and the other forms of dementia. Thank You!

To host a workshop, click here

To know about participating in a workshop click here

Early-onset Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease primarily affects older people. However, up to 5% of the 5.2 million people in America with AD are in their 40s and 50s. People at this age are referred to as having early-onset Alzheimer’s (a.k.a. younger-onset). We sometimes hear of a familiar television or sports personality having this stage of Alzheimer’s. In the USA it is believed that approximately 200,000 people have early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Often, early-onset AD is misdiagnosed as stress related, having too many projects one is trying to juggle, or other lifestyle practices. For those reasons and more, it is good to know the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s.

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  2. Challenges in planning or solving problems
  3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure
  4. Confusion with time or place
  5. Trouble understanding visual images and judging distances
  6. New problems with words in speaking or writing
  7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
  8. Decreased or poor judgment
  9. Withdrawal from work or social activities
  10. Changes in mood and personality

If you believe you might have Alzheimer’s or early-onset Alzheimer’s all hope is not lost. It is too early to “throw in the towel.” The top two goals of The DADS Project are prevention and reversal of the disease. Be watching for a DADS Project workshop coming near your location.

  • To know about participating in a workshop click here