The night before Jesus was crucified, He met with His disciples. He had much to tell them. They had much to learn. What lesson did He teach them in John 15:5? (A lesson about _______.) The vine and the branches word picture teaches several important truths.
- He is the life-giving source
- We are to abide in Him
- He produces fruit
- We bear fruit
- Without Him we can do nothing of eternal value
- Without a dynamic relationship and fellowship with Him we will shrivel like a branch when snipped off and dropped to the ground
- Without life
- Without power
- We cannot be what we were intended to be without Him
This dynamic relationship and daily fellowship is best seen in His call in John 4:18-19. What was that call? As we fulfill this everyday, we are waking with God.
Throughout Today
- Follow Him
- Walk with Him
- Learn from Him
- Do not resist Him
- Resist the inner tug to resist
Evening Reflection
- Did the Lord cause you to notice anything you were trying to do on your own?
- What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you today?
- At anytime today did you sense a tug to resist the leadership of the Holy Spirit?
- Did He point out anything you needed to confess? (see 1 John 1:9)
- Any other items of uniqueness as you walked with our Lord today?