Today is our twelfth day of the Dementia & Alzheimer’s Facts and Stats. Future updates will be given periodically and in person during The DADS Project as opportunities present themselves.
As most of us know, the Baby Boom generation is a huge segment of the population. The first baby boomers turned 65 in 2011. If you have been following the updates you know that 65 seems to be a critical year for AD. After the age of 65 our chance of developing AD doubles every five years. Let’s look at the projections for 2030 & 2050 compared to the past numbers for 2000 & 2010.
Year There were / or Projected to Be …
2000 411,000 new cases of AD
2010 454,000 new cases of AD
2030 615,000 new cases of AD
2050 959,000 new cases of AD
Another stat we have reported is by the time a person reaches 85, almost half of the people 85+ will have AD. In 2014, there were 2 million people in this age range with AD. When the first baby boomers reach that milestone (2031), the number of them with AD is projected to be more than 3 million. By 2050, that number is to swell to 7 million people.
Will you join me in prayer as we work to see prevention, reversal, and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and the various forms of dementia. Please try your best to participate in The DADS Project when one comes near you or lead the way in providing a venue for the 90 minute workshop. One of the blessings of medicine, technology, and nutritional health is longer lives. Let’s do what we can to actually enjoy and remember those extra years before we go to heaven.