Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Future for America: Post #3

          I believe as Christians we should stand our ground no matter what. I do not believe America has reach the point of no return but I do believe as things stand right now the Lord will not continue to bless us either. The Lord, being who He is, can’t continue blessing our country with the disobedience as a country we are showing.
          I believe it is time for all Christians to stand our ground in a loving way and somehow bring back the morals and values our forefathers meant for this country to have. We as a country need to take a history lesson on what our forefathers meant when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. It is time for Christians to lovingly but firmly take back our country and put God back in the center. Sheri

This is another set of comments from the survey “What is the Future for America. To take part in the survey click here. The deadline to to take part in the survey is July 15.

What Are The People Are Saying: Post #2

Today I continue to post some of the comments people are making relating to the survey “What is the future for America?” To take part in the survey scroll down this page and you will see the form. Email me if you need the content background for the survey. The deadline for entries is July 15. Here is post #2.

          I do think America is a different nation from this point forward. Rare is the nation that returns to the Lord without first being wiped out and restored like Israel.
          I believe politically we have reached the point of no return. It’s only a matter of time (within years) that “under God” and “In God We Trust” are removed from U.S. government materials.
         I don’t believe God has given up on America’s people (personally) but I do believe we are out from under His protection at this point from our national thumbing our noses at Him. I believe He has given up on America’s government (politically) but will continue to bless our nation in powerful ways – but only as a sign of His grace.
          I do believe the church will continue to be refined and the pretenders and social churchgoers will fall away. A smaller, more committed church could well lead to the next great spiritual awakening, and I believe after a season of despair, the world will be reintroduced to Jesus without the historical baggage of the social church masking its view of Him.  Joel[vfb id=12]

What People Are Saying About “The Future of America”

Today and for the next several days, I will be posting some of the comments people have shared as a part of the current survey concerning the future of America. For those who have not taken the survey, it can be found below. Here is our first quote:

     “Many things are changing in America and unfortunately it appears to not be for the better. The majority of believers, in my opinion have remained distracted by the world and remained silent or taken an approach of hate toward the sinners, and not the sin. I do not believe America can continue on as a great nation while shaking her fist at a Holy God. God did not give up on Israel but did allow her/His people to suffer until they cried out to Him and turned. Most believers cry out to Him until things get a bit better, i.e. 9-11. We saw people returning to His house. We saw our leaders praying. What did we as a church do? We failed to disciple those that were returning. However, I still cling to the hope and promise of His patience and long-suffering. Vicky


What Is The Future For America?

On Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America handed down a landmark decision that, unless reversed, will forever alter the landscape of America in one way or another. The question “What is the future for America?” is a research question giving you the opportunity to share your thoughts.

To respond and take part in this research project, you see five statements below. I am requesting your response to each statement. You also have the opportunity to submit a comment or two about your responses. This comment portion is totally optional.[vfb id=12]

The Deadline and Details About the Background Behind the Survey

As Christians and God fearing people …

  • We have every reason to believe and remain committed to the truth that God will continue being God; He has not relinquished His throne.
  • We have every reason to believe and remain committed to the truth He will continue His work of calling people to salvation; He is a missionary God.
  • We have every reason to believe and remain committed to the truth He will continue to care for us as individual believers; He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and He has stated in His Word that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

However, my question is this: As we take an objective look, a historical look, and a biblical look at how He has acted before in dealing with Israel and other nations, in your opinion, “What is the future for America as a nation.

You are requested to respond to all five statements from your own perspective. As you respond, choose the response that more closely reflects your belief. If you share any comments you might be tempted to copy and paste quotes from others. What I am really seeking is your thoughtful comments. I look forward to hearing from you.

The deadline for submitting a response is July 15, 2015. As I hear back from you, I will formulate your responses and the responses from others into a report. I will also give you periodic updates as to how the project is going.

Thanks in advance for your involvement in this project. I pray God’s best for you, your family, your friends, and The United States of America.

Have a great day,

Bro. Tom
1 Cor. 15:58