Romans 10:17 is an incredibly important passage for this point. Notice carefully the wording. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. If you have room for another favorite, I would encourage you to add this one to your list. If you don’t have a favorite, consider this one.
I am a strong advocate of reading the Bible and reading it out loud As we grow in the Lord by spending time in the Word and time with Him, we find that our faith increases. Listen to these two statements:
The more our hearts and minds are saturated with the Word of God the more vibrant we will be, the more confident we will be, and the more clear thinking we will be.
If our mind and our heart is not saturated with the Word God, the more we will be susceptible to opinion, conjecture, impressions, and emotions.
The more we read His Word, the more we digest His Word, and mediate on His Word, the more faith we will have and the result or the product of all this investment will be even more faith. If you lack faith spend time with Him and in His Word. Read it out loud. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”