Reason #11: They believe challenges from the enemy.
The enemy always wants us to doubt divine facts. This is as old as Genesis 3:1. The enemy threw out the question to Eve “Has God indeed said …” Ever since then, he has been causing people to question the truth of what God has said in His Word.
The enemy is the deceiver of the world and the accuser of the brethren. He is a skillful liar. He distorts, confuses, tricks, and deceives people. If he can get you to believe his challenges and work on you in any single area, it will be this one. If he can get you to doubt, not only does he make you miserable, he keeps you quiet in your witness for the Lord. Why would you witness about that which you are unsure?
When we listen to the enemy more than we listen to God, when we believe him more than we believe God’s Word, it is natural that we will doubt. Consider how quick we are to receive bad news and yet question the accuracy of good news. This is his ploy. To cause us to question the truth of God’s Word and believe his lies.
Let us remember that three times he tempted our Lord during the wilderness temptation. Each time Jesus used the Word of God to counter his attacks. Once again we see the power of known truth.