Today I continue to post some of the comments people are making relating to the survey “What is the future for America?” To take part in the survey scroll down this page and you will see the form. Email me if you need the content background for the survey. The deadline for entries is July 15. Here is post #2.
I do think America is a different nation from this point forward. Rare is the nation that returns to the Lord without first being wiped out and restored like Israel.
I believe politically we have reached the point of no return. It’s only a matter of time (within years) that “under God” and “In God We Trust” are removed from U.S. government materials.
I don’t believe God has given up on America’s people (personally) but I do believe we are out from under His protection at this point from our national thumbing our noses at Him. I believe He has given up on America’s government (politically) but will continue to bless our nation in powerful ways – but only as a sign of His grace.
I do believe the church will continue to be refined and the pretenders and social churchgoers will fall away. A smaller, more committed church could well lead to the next great spiritual awakening, and I believe after a season of despair, the world will be reintroduced to Jesus without the historical baggage of the social church masking its view of Him. Joel[vfb id=12]