Very Important Posts

Check here often and spend a few refreshing moments in the Lord.  Through humor, personal stories, thought-provoking questions, insights from the Word and comments on current world events, these posts will enhance your fellowship with our Lord.

If you have a question or situation you would like to discuss, please submit it here. Questions or discussions that help you grow closer to our Lord will be answered first.

As a small nugget of humor, I offer the following by way of a self-professed disclaimer.  There are two types of questions I cannot answer:

  1. Questions for which have no answer.
  2. Questions I cannot answer at this time.

Please let me know how I can help you know the Lord Jesus and draw closer to Him.  I may answer your question personally or as the subject or a future post.  The answers to your questions may be of help to many others. Please submit your comment or question below.

Keep serving the Master because He lives

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