Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 2)

Open your Bible to Luke 11:2-4 & Matthew 6:9-13 and read The Model Prayer known better as The Lord’s Prayer. Seek to fill in the blanks below:

  • The priority: ___
  • The supreme name: __________
  • The supreme kingdom: ________
  • The supreme desire: _______
  • The supreme surrender: _________
  • The simple request: _______
  • The important request: _________
  • The continuous desires: _______

Throughout Today

  • Walk with Him
  • Reflect on the model prayer
  • Seek to look deeper into this prayer than you have before today
  • Be aware of those moments when your will seems to be more important than His will
  • Consider what corrections you need to make

Evening Reflection:

  • What was it like to walk with the Lord today?
  • What did He show you while you were in the Word?
  • What did He show you while you walked in the world?
  • Were there any personal applications of The Model Prayer?


Answers for the blanks above:

  • The priority: Our Father in heaven
  • The supreme name: His name
  • The supreme kingdom: His kingdom
  • The supreme desire: His kingdom to come
  • The supreme surrender: His will to be done
  • The simple request: Daily bread
  • The important request: Forgiveness
  • The continuous desires: to avoid temptation and be delivered from the evil one