Tag Archives: Prayerwalking

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 2)

Open your Bible to Luke 11:2-4 & Matthew 6:9-13 and read The Model Prayer known better as The Lord’s Prayer. Seek to fill in the blanks below:

  • The priority: ___
  • The supreme name: __________
  • The supreme kingdom: ________
  • The supreme desire: _______
  • The supreme surrender: _________
  • The simple request: _______
  • The important request: _________
  • The continuous desires: _______

Throughout Today

  • Walk with Him
  • Reflect on the model prayer
  • Seek to look deeper into this prayer than you have before today
  • Be aware of those moments when your will seems to be more important than His will
  • Consider what corrections you need to make

Evening Reflection:

  • What was it like to walk with the Lord today?
  • What did He show you while you were in the Word?
  • What did He show you while you walked in the world?
  • Were there any personal applications of The Model Prayer?


Answers for the blanks above:

  • The priority: Our Father in heaven
  • The supreme name: His name
  • The supreme kingdom: His kingdom
  • The supreme desire: His kingdom to come
  • The supreme surrender: His will to be done
  • The simple request: Daily bread
  • The important request: Forgiveness
  • The continuous desires: to avoid temptation and be delivered from the evil one

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 1)

Our key passage for the week is John 8:12. “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” The call to follow Jesus never ends. It begins on our first hearing of the call and continues until we go to be with Him.

We may think of prayerwalking as only a specific event on our calendar but it is also a lifestyle of walking with the Lord as disciples every day. According to Luke 9:23, what must we do to follow Jesus and walk with Jesus? (We must die to self)

  • What does this not mean?
    • It does not mean physically dying
    • It does not mean suicide
  • What does this mean?
    • It means rejecting the tug to live the way we used to live
    • It means rejecting the tug toward self-centeredness (a natural way of life for a lost person)

Throughout Today

  • Seek to walk with the Lord today.
  • Be attentive to what “walking with Him” looks like.
  • As you walk, be alert to those He would have you engage in spiritual conversation.
  • Remember, we can engage people one person at a time.

Evening Reflection

  • How did Jesus enable you to walk with Him today?
  • Did you sense Him accomplishing any eternal purposes through you today?
  • Did He empower you to love any (normally) unlovable people?
  • Did He lead you to adjust any of your thinking to His way of thinking?
  • Did you have an opportunity to share your testimony today?
  • Did you seize that opportunity?

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 5)

The night before Jesus was crucified, He met with His disciples. He had much to tell them. They had much to learn. What lesson did He teach them in John 15:5? (A lesson about _______.) The vine and the branches word picture teaches several important truths.

  • He is the life-giving source
  • We are to abide in Him
  • He produces fruit
  • We bear fruit
  • Without Him we can do nothing of eternal value
  • Without a dynamic relationship and fellowship with Him we will shrivel like a branch when snipped off and dropped to the ground
    • Without life
    • Without power
  • We cannot be what we were intended to be without Him

This dynamic relationship and daily fellowship is best seen in His call in John 4:18-19. What was that call? As we fulfill this everyday, we are waking with God.

Throughout Today

  • Follow Him
  • Walk with Him
  • Learn from Him
  • Do not resist Him
  • Resist the inner tug to resist

Evening Reflection

  • Did the Lord cause you to notice anything you were trying to do on your own?
  • What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you today?
  • At anytime today did you sense a tug to resist the leadership of the Holy Spirit?
  • Did He point out anything you needed to confess? (see 1 John 1:9)
  • Any other items of uniqueness as you walked with our Lord today?

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 4)

Consider how the disciples felt when Jesus told them of His departure in John 13. Then, imagine their comfort (though they could not know it and feel it completely at that time) when He told them the Holy Spirit was coming who would be with them and in them.

Read John 16:1-13

What are the names Jesus gave the Holy Spirit?

  • The ______ (v.7)
  • The _____ __ _____ (v.13)

Throughout Today

  • Remember, if you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit is in you not just with you.
  • Remember, you are not alone.
  • Remember, it is not you against the world.
  • You are not strong enough to fight the enemy by yourself; but then we do not have to. Read 1 John 4:4 for some reassurance.

Evening Reflection

  • Did you have opportunity to sense the Holy Spirit in you today?
  • Were there any specific situations where you sensed the Holy Spirit guiding you?
  • Did you have any unique spiritual encounters or spiritual experiences today?
  • Was there a time when you sensed the Holy Spirit guiding you and you resisted His leadership? How did you feel afterwards?

Feel free to share your thoughts tom@tomsavage.us



Answers: Helper; Spirit of truth

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 3)

The questions for today are

  • Will we live the old life we used to live?
  • Will we live the new life we were created to live?
  • Will we live according the ways of the world?
  • Will we live according to the ways of God?
  • Why does this struggle even exist?

As we walk today, we should …

  • Walk as _____ walked. (1 John 2:6)
  • Let the word of Christ _____ __ __ richly. (Col 3:16)
  • Walk by _____ and not by _____. (2 Cor. 5:7)
  • See prayer as spending time with God. (1 Thess.5:17)

Throughout Today

  • Meditate on the truths in the Scriptures above.
  • Thank God for His word.
  • Trust Him for encouragement and strength.
  • Decide to live today trusting God.

Evening Reflection

  • Did you find it hard trusting God today?
  • How did you sense His encouragement today?
  • What made you spiritually happy today?

As an FYI, eight of us prayerwalked an elementary school late this afternoon. It was quite fulfilling and an honor to pray for the children, the teachers, the assistants, the staff, the custodial people, the principal, the bus drivers and the parents. Ninety-nine percent of the people mentioned above did not even know we were there because they had already left for the day but we were blessed to lift them to the Father. Good night!

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 2)

As you walk with the Lord today, there are several truths to consider. Read the accompanying passage and complete the blanks below. After you have read the passage and completed the missing words, check your answers with the answers below.

  • The enemy desires to ________ with us. (Gen. 3:1-3)
  • The enemy seeks to ________ us from a faithful walk with God. (Gen. 3:4-5)
  • The enemy plans to _______ us. (Rev. 12:9)
  • The enemy was and is ________ by the death of Jesus. (Rom 5:6, 8)


Throughout Your Day

  • Thank God for His marvelous and matchless love that paid your debt for you. (Rom. 5:6, 8)
  • Thank Him for your salvation. (Eph. 2:4-9)
  • Consider deeply the truth that without Him you would still be lost in sin. (John 6:44)
  • Ask Him to show you and remind you of His love for you.

Evening Reflections

  • Have you ever had someone forgive a debt just because they wanted to? What did that feel like?
  • Did you stop during the day today and consider the tremendous debt  we owe(d) God because of sin? Have you asked Him to forgive you of that debt?
  • If you have been saved, did you pause today and thank God for His forgiveness? How long ago were you saved?
  • Was today the day you asked God to forgive you on the basis of what Jesus did on the cross? If so, write me tom@tomsavage.us.
  • If you still need to do that, give me shout so we can talk.

Answers: (dialogue; separate; deceive; defeated)

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 1)


Learning To Walk With God and Intercede for Others

This Thursday (August 11, 2016) those assembled at 5:00 p.m. will prayer walk a local elementary school. In preparation for that, I will present some prayerwalking thoughts Wednesday night (August 10th) at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. You are welcome to join us for that devotional time. More information about the actual prayer walk will be shared at that time.

Let’s take this opportunity to learn more about prayerwalking. If you would like to join others and me on this adventure (here in the Wabash Valley or in your personal context), join us as we learn together. Come back each day for the next several days for more insights. As a part of our time together, I will be sharing some of my own experiences of prayerwalking and will be drawing some insights from Follow Me: Lessons for Becoming a Prayerwalker.

There is a single verse that could be the umbrella verse as well as the foundational verse for these days together. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 5:8)

Another passage is Psalm 46:1-11 (key verse 10)

Read the following verses and complete the accompanying items.

Read Genesis 5:18-24  “Enoch ____ ____ ___.”

Read Genesis 6:5-10  “Noah ____ ____ ___.”

Read Genesis 3:8-9 What was the Lord God doing? He was _______ and He was _______ Adam.

Throughout Today: As you “walk through life”

  1. Stop and consider your opportunity to walk with God
  2. Thank God for His presence in your life
  3. Notice those around you who need this incredible blessing

Come back tonight as we close out our day. God Bless

Evening Reflection: As you close out your day

  1. What was it like to consciously walk with God today?
  2. How did you feel as you considered is His love for you?
  3. Was it hard to focus on Him? If so, why? Was it because of
    1. Busyness
    2. Stress
    3. Worry
    4. Awkwardness due to this new disciple?

Have a good night and I hope you return in the morning.

Write to me at tom@tomsavage.us if you would like to share some feedback.