
Prayerwalking (Week 3: Day 4)

How Do We Get His Life to Flow Through Us?

A thoughtful read of Ecclesiastes tells us that Solomon sought many things for meaning and purpose in life. Some of the things he tried were gardens, orchards, and various kinds of fruit trees. Along with these, he constructed watering pools to feed and nourish those trees. How do we get the free flow of God’s power and His life to flow through us to nourish and feed us spiritually? Read the following and see if you can see some tips:

  • 1 John 5:14-15
  • 2 Pet. 1:2-4
  • Rom. 4:20
  • Heb. 11:6
  • 2 Cor. 1:20

Throughout Today:

Select one or more of the passages below and ask God to bring to light the promise(s) stated.

  • Psa. 37:4-5
  • John 6:47
  • John 14:21
  • Heb. 11:6
  • Rom. 10:13
  • James 1:5

As you prayerwalk today, ask God to show you where you should prayerwalk. Watch for a person or people He would have you engage in conversation. Claim the promises from the Scriptures above. Also, claim Luke 12:12 as you walk today.

Come back tonight for some Evening Reflection

  • What promises did God highlight for you today?
  • How did it feel knowing you were praying in God’s will?
  • What answered prayers did you experience today?


Some tips for the free flow of His power and life

  • Praying in His will
  • Knowing and claiming His precious promises
  • Being confident in God to keep His promises
  • Continually walking in believing faith
  • Knowing that the promised are assured

Prayerwalking (Week 3: Day 3)

Cross Purposes v. cross purposes

Let’s consider the difference between the two items in our title for this session. Let’s use “Cross Purposes” to describe the things are on God’s agenda, His will, and His plans for you, me, and others. It is a Cross Purpose that we follow Jesus. We began our focus on that at the outset of our prayerwalking adventure.

We will use (the lower case) cross purposes to describe those things are opposite or contradictory to the will of God; they run crossways or cross grain to His will. This includes things like selfishness, self-centeredness, loving the world, etc. What do you see in the following verses that speak to this difference?

  • Luke 9:23
  • Gal. 2:20
  • 1 John 2:15
  • Phil. 2:13

Throughout Today

  • Consider what His Cross Purpose are for you today.
  • Watch for things that are at cross purposes with Him and His will.
  • Think of a place in your area (a religious place, a business, an organization) that is at cross purposes with God’s will (because they hate Christians, they practice evil or unethical behaviors, they teach falsehood). Prayerwalk or prayer drive that place. Acknowledge those things that are a cross purposes with the will of God and then pray God’s will (Cross Purposes) for the people there.

Evening Reflection:

  • Did the Lord show any areas that are at cross purposes with His Cross Purposes?
  • How did you respond?
  • What Cross Purposes did you pry for yourself or another person today?


  • Luke 9:23 calls for us to deny ourselves (cross purposes) and take up our cross daily (walk in Cross Purposes) and follow Him. The natural thing is to indulge ourselves (a cross purpose). The Cross Purpose of God is to do His will. With this action, we are and seek to be at Cross Purposes with Him always.
  • Gal. 2:20 reminds us we are crucified with Christ. Since that is so, we have and are to have a new direction in life – Cross Purposes
  • 1 John 2:15 tells us “Do not love the world or the things in the world.” They are at cross purposes with God and His will.
  • In Phil. 2:13 we find God is working in us.


Prayerwalking (Week 3: Day 2)

Have you ever missed God or failed to obey God due to stubbornness, preoccupation, or time constraints? I would have to admit I have. Maybe we all have.

Randy Sprinkle shares a sad story about a lady who was driving to a prayerwalking practicum. She was running late. If anything interrupted her drive to the event, she would be late. As she left her house, she noticed a neighbor a few doors down; working in his front yard. She sensed the need to stop and talk to him. Running late, she did not stop. It wasn’t until the next day she learned that later in the evening of the previous day (a few hours after she was prompted to talk to him) the man took his own life. She was devastated.

God has spoken in many ways; thunder, a still small voice, dreams, and even through a donkey. Two good questions to ask ourselves would be: (1) Am I ready and willing to obey Him at all times? (2) How can I know it is God speaking? It would be good at this time to review a few truths about God.

  1. What is His #1 goal for us as found 2 Pet. 3:9?
  2. How did God speak to people in time past according to Heb. 1:1-2?
  3. How does He speak now?
  4. According to what Jesus said in John 16:7 & 13, what are two other ways He speaks to us?
  5. In Psa. 106:13b, there is a word about something Israel did that we can all relate to. What is that?

We need to maintain fellowship with God in the five ways we have discussed previously to know it is God speaking and not our ideas. What could the woman in the previous account have done that might have produced a different result?

  • She could have rolled down her window and said, “Hello.”
  • She could have asked, “Are you okay?”
  • She could have asked, “Would you mind if I stop by later or tomorrow and talk to you?”

Throughout Today:

  • Seek to listen to the promptings of God as you walk with Him.
  • Tell Him of your willingness and readiness to hear Him.
  • Ask Him to make it clear in your heart so you do not miss Him.
  • If and when you have moments of resistance repent of that as it happens.

Evening Reflection:

  • What did you experience during your prayerwalk today?
  • Did God speak to you / reveal Himself to you in anyway today?
  • How did you respond?




  1. That no one would perish. That everyone would be saved.
  2. Through the prophets.
  3. Through Jesus.
  4. Through His written Word (the truth) and through the Holy Spirit.
  5. They failed to wait for His counsel. They rushed ahead.

Prayerwalking (Week 3: Day 1)

Some questions to begin your week:

  • Are you on a mission field?
  • Where is your mission field?
  • How would you describe your mission field?
  • Do you feel like you are alone on your mission field?

Read John 5:17-20 and see Who is always at work before you, around you, and with you. Rather than seeing ourselves as alone on this journey, read 1 Cor. 3:9 for a better way to see ourselves. As we serve on our mission field, how can we discern where the Father is working?

  • We see Him working in the lives of others
  • We sense Him working through us

Throughout Today:

  • Be sensitive to notice where the Father is at work
  • Be sensitive to notice when and where He is working in and through you
  • Pick a definite place or street to prayerwalk today
  • Pray in light of these dynamics and see what He leads you to see and walk forward in His will doing what you sense needs to be done

Evening Reflection:

  • Where did you prayerwalk today?
  • Did you pray for anyone specifically?
  • What else did you experience during your prayerwalk?
  • Did God show Himself in any powerful way today?
  • How did you respond?

Answers from the initial questions this morning:

  • Yes
  • Our mission field is where we are right now
  • Your personal response
  • Your personal response but you are not alone

email me:

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 5)

Intentional Prayerwalking Today

According to 1 Tim. 2:8, where are we supposed to pray?

How do people in your culture usually pray? How do you usually pray?

What is the prayer position in 1 Tim. 2:8?

See how many prayer positions can you think of.

According to Mark 16:15, where are we supposed to take the gospel? If we were to be honest with ourselves, we should “go and tell” but what most of us do is say, “come and hear” the gospel at our church. Our rationale for this is what we call a castle concept or a castle mentality. We believe people do not want to be bothered in their homes. Prayerwalking can breakthrough that perceived or real barrier.

Throughout Today:

  • Prayerwalk (or prayer drive) a certain area
  • Notice people
  • Pray for at least three specific people you have never prayed for before
  • Seek to pray specifically with the insights the Holy Spirit gives you
  • Be available (today or in the future) when the Holy Spirit provides an opportunity to talk evangelistically to any of your three people. Do not be surprised when you are caused to see them again.
  • Come back tonight for some reflection.

Evening Reflection

  • Who did you see today?
  • How did you pray for them?
  • Did you have the opportunity to talk with them?
  • If so, did they share anything you could take to the Lord as a specific prayer?
  • What did you discern about their spiritual health?
  • What would you say about your prayerwalking experience(s) today or this week?



  • We are supposed to pray everywhere
  • The usual prayer position is head bowed, eyes closed, (sometimes with folded hands)
  • With hands lifted (probably with eyes open)
  • Some of the various prayer positions are: On your face, kneeling before the Lord, bowing your head (usually eyes closed), standing before God, arms outstretched looking to heaven (email me if you think of others
  • We are supposed to take the gospel into all the world

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 4)

The Way to Win

As I type this entry, the Olympians are well into the 2016 games. Some are about to finish. Others have already completed their competitions. Some have even returned home; not remaining for the closing ceremonies.

When we watch swimming or track & field events, as spectators we are often focused on the finish line and who will win. The competitors know that is important but their focus is on the start. They know to finish well they need to begin well.

There are many athletic word pictures in the Bible. As we begin our day, let us look at a few. The answers to the questions are at the bottom of the post.

  1. In 1 Cor.9:24, what did Paul say about running?
  2. What is the key to winning?
  3. As Christians what is the best way to start each day?
  4. According to Psa. 119:105, what is our guide throughout the day?
  5. According to Isa. 59:1-3 and Heb. 12:1, what hinders us?
  6. What is the key verse in the New Testament that tells us how to deal with these?

Throughout Today

  • Begin well so you can finish well
  • Allow God’s Word to illumine your path
  • Be sensitive to sins that need to be confessed
  • Obey immediately and continually
  • Be aware of His presence in your life today

Evening reflections

  • Did God reveal any hindering sins today?
  • What was your reaction to this?
  • Did you sense the need to rationalize the sin?
  • How did it feel to apply 1 John 1:9?



  1. Run to win the prize
  2. Being temperate (exercising self-control)
  3. In prayer
  4. The Word of God
  5. Sins and iniquities
  6. 1 John 1:9

Write if you would like share any insights or you have and questions.

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 3)

Three Types of Prayerwalking

Randy Sprinkle says that there are two obvious truths about prayer. One, we are to pray at all times (see 1 Thess. 5:17). Two, we do not pray at all times.

A guiding principle for prayer is found in Col. 4:2. How would you restate that verse in your own words? I have included one idea below.

Read Luke 10:1. What images came to mind as you read those words? How could we/you apply this verse?

We could say there are three types of prayerwalking.

  1. Invitational prayerwalking: Where we organize or are invited to go on an organized prayerwalk at a specific time and a specific place like while on a mission trip or at the beginning of a school year.
  2. Incidental prayerwalking: As you are going about your daily activities and you become aware of the needs of people around you.
  3. Intentional prayerwalking: Where you seek to apply Luke 10:1. What are some ways to intentionally prayerwalk? After you think of a few ways see some ideas below.

Throughout Today

  • Develop a written list of intentional prayerwalking
  • Seek to be an intentional prayerwalker
  • Try an intentional prayerwalking plan by yourself or with a friend

Evening Reflection:

  • Did the Holy Spirit prompt you to intercede for someone during the day?
  • Did you pray then or later or both?
  • Reflect on the nature of the prayer you offered.
  • What fruit of the Spirit were you manifesting at the time of your prayer?
  • Will be letting them know you prayed or will you keep that between yourself and the Lord?

Responses for the items above

A possible way to restate Col 4:2: Keep praying. Make it a priority. Be thankful as you pray.

Possible items for your intentional prayerwalking list:

  • A specific street or streets where you live
  • The mall (especially if you do not plan to shop; going there just to notice the people and pray for them as you walk)
  • A local hospital (even if you have no one to visit; you can walk a few corridors and pray for the people you see and then leave)
  • Schedule a day and a time each week to prayerwalk with a friend with a specific plan. Add creativity to your plan as you continue to do this over the next few weeks or months.

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 2)

Open your Bible to Luke 11:2-4 & Matthew 6:9-13 and read The Model Prayer known better as The Lord’s Prayer. Seek to fill in the blanks below:

  • The priority: ___
  • The supreme name: __________
  • The supreme kingdom: ________
  • The supreme desire: _______
  • The supreme surrender: _________
  • The simple request: _______
  • The important request: _________
  • The continuous desires: _______

Throughout Today

  • Walk with Him
  • Reflect on the model prayer
  • Seek to look deeper into this prayer than you have before today
  • Be aware of those moments when your will seems to be more important than His will
  • Consider what corrections you need to make

Evening Reflection:

  • What was it like to walk with the Lord today?
  • What did He show you while you were in the Word?
  • What did He show you while you walked in the world?
  • Were there any personal applications of The Model Prayer?


Answers for the blanks above:

  • The priority: Our Father in heaven
  • The supreme name: His name
  • The supreme kingdom: His kingdom
  • The supreme desire: His kingdom to come
  • The supreme surrender: His will to be done
  • The simple request: Daily bread
  • The important request: Forgiveness
  • The continuous desires: to avoid temptation and be delivered from the evil one

Prayerwalking (Week 2: Day 1)

Our key passage for the week is John 8:12. “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” The call to follow Jesus never ends. It begins on our first hearing of the call and continues until we go to be with Him.

We may think of prayerwalking as only a specific event on our calendar but it is also a lifestyle of walking with the Lord as disciples every day. According to Luke 9:23, what must we do to follow Jesus and walk with Jesus? (We must die to self)

  • What does this not mean?
    • It does not mean physically dying
    • It does not mean suicide
  • What does this mean?
    • It means rejecting the tug to live the way we used to live
    • It means rejecting the tug toward self-centeredness (a natural way of life for a lost person)

Throughout Today

  • Seek to walk with the Lord today.
  • Be attentive to what “walking with Him” looks like.
  • As you walk, be alert to those He would have you engage in spiritual conversation.
  • Remember, we can engage people one person at a time.

Evening Reflection

  • How did Jesus enable you to walk with Him today?
  • Did you sense Him accomplishing any eternal purposes through you today?
  • Did He empower you to love any (normally) unlovable people?
  • Did He lead you to adjust any of your thinking to His way of thinking?
  • Did you have an opportunity to share your testimony today?
  • Did you seize that opportunity?

Prayerwalking (Week 1: Day 5)

The night before Jesus was crucified, He met with His disciples. He had much to tell them. They had much to learn. What lesson did He teach them in John 15:5? (A lesson about _______.) The vine and the branches word picture teaches several important truths.

  • He is the life-giving source
  • We are to abide in Him
  • He produces fruit
  • We bear fruit
  • Without Him we can do nothing of eternal value
  • Without a dynamic relationship and fellowship with Him we will shrivel like a branch when snipped off and dropped to the ground
    • Without life
    • Without power
  • We cannot be what we were intended to be without Him

This dynamic relationship and daily fellowship is best seen in His call in John 4:18-19. What was that call? As we fulfill this everyday, we are waking with God.

Throughout Today

  • Follow Him
  • Walk with Him
  • Learn from Him
  • Do not resist Him
  • Resist the inner tug to resist

Evening Reflection

  • Did the Lord cause you to notice anything you were trying to do on your own?
  • What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you today?
  • At anytime today did you sense a tug to resist the leadership of the Holy Spirit?
  • Did He point out anything you needed to confess? (see 1 John 1:9)
  • Any other items of uniqueness as you walked with our Lord today?